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How do I delete my Elfster account?

Instructions for deleting your account and editing your notification settings.

⚠️ If you’re currently in a Gift Exchange 🎁 and names have been drawn, you’ll need to contact your organizer to remove you from the Gift Exchange before you can delete your account. Doing so will ensure that everyone participating has someone giving them a gift. 

Once your organizer has removed you from the Gift Exchange or after the Gift Exchange has ended you can delete your Elfster account.

If names have not been drawn, change your RSVP so that you are no longer participating in the exchange.

To Delete your Elfster Account

  1. Select the profile picture in the top right corner
    1. iOS and Android App users - select the Gear Icon ⚙ in the top left of the homepage
  2. Select Account Information/Account Settings
  3. Select the delete/close account button
  4. Confirm that you want to delete your account

✨ Shortcut to your account information ✨

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🎄✨ Don’t worry, you can always start fresh with a new Elfster account whenever you like! Remember, once an elf, always an elf—your elf spirit never fades!🎁✨