1. Elfster Help
  2. Organizing a Gift Exchange

How do I add an assistant to the Gift Exchange?

Assistants can help keep everything running smoothly in a Gift Exchange. They're able to do almost everything an organizer can do.

Organizers can add Assistants to help them moderate, including adding and removing members, starting and organizing Gift Exchanges, and editing the Gift Exchange settings. 

Adding an Assistant on Laptop, Desktop or Mobile Web

  1. Invite the person to the Gift Exchange.
  2. Have them accept the invitation.
  3. On the Gift Exchange dashboard, click/tap on "Assistants" underneath your name as the Organizer.
  4. Scroll through the list of names of people in the group; click/tap on the person or persons you want to make an Assistant.
  5. Changes you make will be saved automatically.

Adding an Assistant in the iOS or Android Apps

  1. Invite the person to the Gift Exchange.
  2. Have them accept the invitation.
  3. Tap Exchanges in the Navigation bar
  4. Select the Gift Exchange
  5. On the Gift Exchange screen, swipe left on the gear icon
  6. Select Gift Exchange Details
  7. Select Assistants
  8. Search or scroll through the list of names of people participating; tap the person or persons you want to make an Assistant.
  9. Changes you make will be saved automatically.


📝 Assistants can perform almost all the tasks that Organizers can. They cannot delete Groups or Gift Exchanges and cannot create a poll. Adding an Assistant in a Gift Exchange will automatically make them an Assistant for the Group. 📝

Elf Pro Tip: If an Organizer needs an Assistant to help manage the Gift Exchange, but not participate in it, the organizer should invite that person and have them accept the invitation to the Gift Exchange.  The organizer would then make them the assistant.  Once they are an assistant, the person can change their RSVP to not participating, so they don't draw a name. 

⚠️ The Gift Exchange will not appear under Gift Exchanges, because they are not participating. They will be able to access the Gift Exchange under Groups

The Groups feature is not yet available in the iOS and Android apps. This means that assistants who are not also participating will need to access the Gift Exchange from our website. You can do this in the Elfster app by tapping the three bars in the upper left-hand corner. Then tap “Go to Website”. Login to the website and you’re there. Simple as that! 💫