How do I remove a Group member?

Instructions for removing a person from your group. This will remove them from the invitation list for all future Gift Exchanges as well.

Removing a Group Member on Laptop or Desktop:

  • Select the Group from your Group page.
  • Click on Screen Shot 2020-09-02 at 10.51.48 AMat the top of the Group page.
  • Scroll to the name of the person who needs to be removed and click on the down arrow (V) to the right of their name on the right-hand side to see more information. 
    • This information will include when they joined the group, and any group Gift Exchanges they have participated in.
  • Click on Screen Shot 2020-09-02 at 10.55.25 AMat the bottom right of this box to remove them from the group.
  • Confirm the removal by clicking Submit.
📝 Please note this may not immediately occur and may take up to 24 hours for the removed person to show up in the Removed list.
📝 Members who have been removed from a group cannot accept any Gift Exchange invitations from that group.
⚠️ If an Organizer or Assistant has removed someone in error from the group, you can re-add them by clicking on Removed under the Members tab and clicking the Add button beside their name.