1. Elfster Help
  2. Organizing a Gift Exchange

How do I invite a child or pet to a Gift Exchange?

Everyone needs to have their own Elfster account, but you can use the same email address for more than one person. If you don't know what their email address is, but have another way to send the invitation, you can use that method.


Inviting Someone Without an Email Address on All Devices

Follow the instructions from Step 2 on if you are inviting while creating the Gift Exchange.  Step 1 is used when you are adding invitations after creating the Gift Exchange.  

  1. From the Gift Exchange page, click/tap on Invite.
  2. In the form, enter the person's name. 
    1. Use your own email address if you are inviting your own child or pet. For someone else use the email address of a person that will act on their behalf.. That way any email messages for offline participants will be directed to someone who can let them know.
    2. This will create a child account that the original account with the email address can manage. 
    3. If you use your email address, they will automatically be RSVPd as "Yes" to the Gift Exchange.
    4. If you use someone else's email address, you can accept the invitation for them.
      1. On the Gift Exchange page, click on Manage Participants under the Organizer Menu. You can select the "Accept" option to the right of their name if you know they are planning to participate.
  3. You can now communicate the Gift Exchange details to offline participants in whatever way is most convenient for them.

    Elf Tip: If you don't know someone's email address, you can text invitations using the mobile website or our iOS or Android apps. Other options for sending invitations include copying the invitation link and sharing via any social media platform.✨