1. Elfster Help
  2. Organizing a Gift Exchange

How do I change the Elfster Gift Exchange image?

Giving is contagious! People like to participate in several Gift Exchanges at once. A unique Gift Exchange image helps yours stand out.

Updating A Elfster Gift Exchange Image

  1. On the Elfster website from Any Device
  2. Select the Gift Exchange you wish to edit the image of.
  3. Select the camera icon in the current Gift Exchange image.
  4. Select Choose File to select a file from your computer.
    1. For success choose file types that are .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png with a size of 2MB or less.
  5. Be sure to click Save!

In the iOS or Android app

  1. Select the Gift Exchange you wish to edit the image of.
  2. Select the Camera icon next to the gear icon
  3. Select Take a Photo, Choose Existing or Remove.
    1. For success choose file types that are .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png with a size of 2MB or less.
  4. Be sure to click Save!