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  2. Organizing a Gift Exchange

How are names drawn?

Manually draw or let Elfster draw your names

Names are drawn on the draw date you scheduled, or you can accept invites now and draw immediately. If you prefer not to have Elfster automatically draw names—perhaps because you want to review who signed up, set up draw restrictions, or for other reasons—the Organizer can handle the draw manually!  Simply follow the instructions 👇
How the Organizer can Change Settings to Manually Draw Names
  1. Click on the Exchanges Tab located in the menu bar
  2. Click Gear Icon :gear:/Exchange Settings in upper right corner (or the pencil icon in the iOS and Android apps)
  3. Select Privacy Settings
  4. Toggle Do not draw names automatically on the draw names date to the right to turn ON.
  5. Select the Draw Names Early button when you’re ready 

⚠️ Anyone who has not RSVP’d by the time names are drawn will not be included in the draw. 

✨ Elf Tip:  You can manually draw names up to the draw names date without changing the settings just by selecting the Draw Names Early button

How to Redo the Draw 
If you’ve received RSVPs to join your Eflster Gift Exchange (even after names have been drawn) or some participants can no longer partake in your Eflster Gift Exchange, you do NOT have to re-draw names! 🎉
If you would still like to re-draw names anyway, simply follow the instructions 👇

How to Re-Draw Names 🎩

If you forgot to set Draw Restrictions or need to undraw names for any reason - No sweat! Follow the directions below and you’ll be all set. 👇
  1. Click on the Exchanges Tab located in the menu bar
  2. Click Gear Icon :gear:/Exchange Settings in upper right corner
  3. Select the Elfster Gift Exchange you want to redo the draw for
  4. Select Gift Exchange Details
  5. Scroll down and select Undo Draw
  6. Select Clear All Draw Assignments and then Clear All
  7. After making the changes you need to make, select Draw Names Early on the Elfster Gift exchange page.

⚠️ Once you’ve un-drawn names, previous matches will be permanently deleted.

Elf Tip: With an Elfster Draw Now Exchange, participants’ names are drawn immediately by the organizer, making it quick and easy to get started! You can even add participants without needing their emails, making this perfect for groups like classrooms or offices.

Note: Since participants won’t have accounts, they won’t be able to create Wishlists or view their draw themselves. The organizer will handle everything, including managing the draws! Ideal for when you want to keep things simple and fun! 🪄

WARNING- If you undraw names for any reason, you will have to enter emails before redrawing!