1. Elfster Help
  2. Organizing a Gift Exchange

How do I see who has sent their gift?

🎅 Organizers, you’re on Santa’s Nice List! 🎅 We know that keeping the holiday spirit bright is no small task, and we’ve made it our mission to make managing your Elfster Gift Exchange as easy and fun as possible!

For maximum success, participants in an Elfster Gift Exchange need to

  • Include their mailing address (if gifts are exchanged via mail)
  • Create a Wishlist 
  • Buy and send a gift to the person they drew.

Sounds really simple!  Organizers have to keep track of who has done what.  To help you, we've set up filters on the Participants page of your Gift Exchange.

  1. Go to your Elfster Gift Exchange page
  2. Click / tap the Gift Exchange you are organizing.
  3. Select the gear icon
  4. Select Manage Participants 
  5. Use the drop down button to view if they have marked their gift as sent or received.  On mobile click the name and then the drop down button. 
    1. Note: Some categories are only available during certain parts of the gift exchange. For instance, the filters about marking as sent and received are not available before names have been drawn.
    2. Send an email to the group you've selected by clicking or tapping ✉️ Send Message.

✨ Elf Tip:  Organizer’s can see the status on the Guest list located on the main Gift Exchange page. You can see who has not joined,  been assigned their draw, who has not seen their draw and who is ready to go ✔️